German language and literature conferences

XVII. Uluslararası Türk Germanistik Kongresi (2025-Ege Universität)
     -CfP                                 - Abstracts                     - Conference programm 


XVI. Turkish International German Studies Congress (2023-Marmara University- Turkisch-German University)

     - CfP                                     Abstracts                    - Conference programm

     - Publication 1                       -Publication 2                  -Publication 3            -DİYALOG 2023/3: Sonderausgabe


XV. Turkish International German Studies Congress (2021-Edirne-Trakya University- Department of German Didactics)

     - Publication 1                  -Publication 2                          Abstracts                Conference program

XIV. Turkish International German Congress- (2018-Erzurum Atatürk University- Department of German Language and Literature)
     - Publication                      - Abstracts                        - Conference program

XIII. Turkish International German Congress- (2016- Antalya-Akdeniz University-Department of German Language and Literature)

     - No confernce publication !          - Abstracts                        - Conference program

XII. Turkish International German Congress- (2014-Kocaeli University- Department of German Language and Literature)

     - Publication                       - Conference program

XI. Turkisch International German Congress- (2009- Izmir- Ege University- Department of German Language and Literature)

     - Publication                      - Abstracts                        - Conference Program

X. Turkisch International German Congress- (2007- Konya- Selçuk University- Department of German Language and Literature)

    - Publication                      - Conference Program

IX. Turkisch International German Congress- (2005- Eskişehir- Anadolu University- Department of German Language and Literature)
     - Publication

VIII. Turkisch International German Congress- (2002- Sakarya University )
     - Publication           - Band-1             - Band-2

VII. Turkisch International German Congress- (1999- Ankara- Hacettepe University- Department of German Language and Literature)
    - Publication

VI. Turkisch International German Congress- (1997- Mersin University)
     - Publication

V. Turkisch International German Congress- (1995- Eskişehir- Anadolu University)
     - Publication

IV. Turkisch International German Congress- (1993- Izmir- Dokuz Eylül University)
     - Publication

III. Turkisch International German Congress-  (1992- Erzurum- Atatürk University)
     - Publication                                - Conference program

II. Turkisch International German Congress- (1990- Istanbul University)
     - Publication                                - Conference program

I. Turkisch International German Congress- (1988- Adana-Çukurova University)
     - Publication


Literatur: Kuruyazıcı, Nilüfer: XI Türkischer Internationaler Germanistik Kongress Globalisierte Germanistik: Sprache-Literatur-Kultur 20-22 Mayıs 2009. In: Alman Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi. Cilt 2. Sayı: 22. S.109-113.